Great news - "Green" Jobs exist after all. Of course, it won't come as any great surprise to most people to learn that they are taxpayer-funded jobs, but they do exist. The thing that makes them so difficult to find is that they are hidden in plain view: they are on the Department of Climate Change's website.
The Rudd Government has created 14 brand spanking new "Green Jobs". And here they are:
- Position number: VRN 50/09 - Assistant Director EL1 - $83,600 to $106,506
- Position number: VRN 51/09 - Senior Policy Officer APS6 - $67,925 to $77,330
- Position number: VRN 52/09 - Director EL2 - $99,798 to $131,670
- Position number: VRN 53/09 - Governance Officer EL1 - $83,600 to $106,506
- Position number: VRN 54/09 - Finance Officer APS6 - $67,925 to $77,330
- Position number: VRN 55/09 - Assistant Director EL1 - $83,600 to $106,506
- Position number: VRN 56/09 - Director EL2 - $99,798 to $131,670
- Position number: VRN 57/09 - Assistant Director Internal Budgets EL1 - $83,600 to $106,506
- Position number: VRN 58/09 - Senior Policy Officer APS 6 - $67,925 to $77,330
- Position number: VRN 59/09 - Assistant Director EL1 - $83,600 to $106,506
- Position number: VRN 43/09 - Assistant Secretary SES Band 1 - $168,000 to $197,000
- Position number: VRN 44/09 - Assistant Secretary SES Band 1 - $168,000 to $197,000
- Position Number: VRN 38/09 - Business Analyst APS6 - $67,925 to $77,330
- Position Number: VRN 39/09 - Project Officer APS5 (2 positions) - $62,178 to $65,835
Since these qualify as "Green Jobs", they have been added to the scorecard to the right of this webpage.
But there is more good news as well. In addition to these 14 Green Jobs, the Department of Climate Change is also looking for up to 20 graduates from all academic disciplines. These are for a period of nine months with a starting salary of $53,469 and a finishing salary of $62,178. Since these are only temporary work-experience "jobs", they have not been added to the scorecard.
These 14 new jobs are in addition to the 33 people that already infest the Department of Climate Change. The empire building is proceeding apace.
Good work if you can get it.
It must be kept in mind that this burgeoning department will never contribute a single dollar to Australia's GDP. As we have seen from the bizzare series of statements and corrections being uttered by our Great Leader, Kevin "Call me Secretary General" Rudd, over the last few days, they will never contribute a single new "real" full time job to the economy either. They are all being put in place for one single purpose: to tax hard-working people out of honest, gainful employment - all in the noble purpose of 'saving the planet', of course.
In short - they are parasites. And they are parasites of the worst order. Their success criteria will be how much suffering they wind up inflicting on ordinary Australians.
As they develop and implement increasingly insane policies in a futile attempt to "decarbonise" Australia - in isolation from the rest of the world - their legacy will be a moonscape of crumbling infrastructure and jobs and lives destroyed as human sacrifices to their AGW religion.
One of the enduring tragedies in all of this, of course, will ultimately be these 14 new people being sought for induction into Senator Wong's priesthood. Once the lid is evenutally blown of this Climate Change Scam - as indeed it must - these novices will be forever tainted by this experience. Assuming, that is, that they manage to escape from the building after it is torched by an angry lynch-mob. They will then have to go out into a world seeking a new job (again assuming that any exist) and offer up as their only job reference that "I was part of the Climate Change Department responsible for implementing Rudd and Wong's CPRS. And didn't we do a good job of it!"
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