It looks like there will soon be one new job opportunity opening up in the Labor Party's Kool-Aid Collective. NSW Premier and one-time garbage collector Nathan Rees let the wind get in his ears and blow his tongue out at the Eureka Awards the other evening. Presumably he had a sudden rush of blood to the head, what with being in a room where most of the attendees would have a higher individual I.Q. than the entire N.S.W. Labor government.
Premier Rees' contribution to informed debate was along the lines of:
''The threat of climate change is catastrophic. In fact, the current wave of climate change scepticism smacks of 1930s-style appeasement: 'Hide under the blankets and it will go away'. But it won't go away."
Oh dear. I do wish he could keep 'on message'. If he is going to chant the alarmist mantra, what he should have said is that "climate change scepticism smacks of late-20th-century-style Holocaust denial". Where on earth did he dig this latest analogy up from.
The problem with Rees, and the rest of his ilk in Canberra, is that they just don't get it when it comes to historical references. If he had been able to tear himself away from the colouring books while at school and spent any time reading actual books with print in them, he would have picked up on one very significant reality.
And that is simply this: it is factually incorrect to compare 'climate sceptics' to 'Holocaust deniers' or even 'Nazi appeasers'. Rather, it is more correct to compare our current crop of Labor Alarmists to the National Socialists who blamed the Jews for all the economic and social problems that interferred with the implemenation of their radical policies, and subsequently locked them up and exterminated them as a convenient scapegoat.
The really dangerous people in this whole Greek tragedy are people like Nathan Rees, Penny Wong, and Greg Combet. Lazy people who very easily drop down into the gutter and want to pillory people for having the temerity to disagree with what they perceive to be "settled science". Always easier to shout someone down and denigrate them than take the time to inform yourself and ascertain the facts. It boggles the mind to think that they are where they are today because people actually voted for them!
Many years ago, a friend of mine used to wear an old T-shirt which sported the legend "Support mental health or I'll kill you". I must give him a call and see if he remembers where he bought it from. If they are still around, I'll buy one each for Nathan, Penny and Greg.
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